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Homo/bisexuals As Guardians

I received an e-mail today that I thought I’d answer here. I can’t remember the exact quote from Satan, but he wants homo/bisexuals to act as White blood cells, protecting the preservation of one’s race, while heterosexuals do the sexual preserving.

What happens if all gays die off and there are no more protectors? That’s not going to happen. When heterosexuals have sex, there are always going to be more homo/bisexuals born. This is eternal.

Also, whether some Judeo/Christian assholes like it or not, homo/bisexual SATANISTS are VERY important in the formation of the Fourth Reich.

More details will come.


How are we to preserve things?

HIGH PRIEST Jake Carlson:

Think of magickal (and possibly literal for many in the future) border patrols- armed and dangerous.

The best thing for all of us to do in our lifetimes, including the women here, of course (“gay/bi” applies just as much to women as it does for guys), is to keep empowering ourselves each and every day, or at least as often as possible. We will need it.