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Race, Sex and Sexual Preferences Are in the Soul

Just as our physical bodies have a gender, could our souls have a specific gender? I read somewhere on the JoS website, that the soul has two aspects – a male and a female aspect. Are these equally strong or can one of them be stronger than the other? Because I think most gay people don’t know why they are attracted to the same sex, and this could provide some sort of answer. In other words can the fact of reincarnation of the soul of one sex in the body of another be a reason of homosexuality?

On Homosexuality by HP Hooded Cobra 666:

Gender does not change throughout lifetimes. There are men who are feminine in their behavior, and there are men that are musculine. Same with women, there are feminine women and musculine women. In terms of behavior, soul, thinking and all this. I could never believe that one can in past lifetimes be another gender, it just feels wrong to me and except of that, I have enought knowledge to know differently.

Being homosexual hasn’t got to do with your gender, but your polarity but something else deeper too. So as it has been said its in the psyche.

For instance one can be a man with a musculine prone tendency. He isn’t nessescarily searching for a female or male. Just someone who is female. Whether gender the male would want, as a partner, is a whole different thing again in the Soul, but its more than just polarity. Its in the setup. Homosexuals are as natural as Heterosexuals. Homosexuality occurs in animals. Bisexuality is also natural.

Vovin Luciftian:

Souls have actually a “tendency” towards what we call in words as “musculine” or “feminine” behaviors. In order to reach Godhead You have to balance this aspect out . And it has nothing actually to do with sexual prefferences or mating . This is wired not in the Soul , but at the same time in the Soul , hard to actually explain .

As for people who think that Souls reincarnate in bodies of different race , wrong . A White person’s Soul reincarnates again in a White body . Satan created Souls diverse , based on the same philosophy of perfection . There is no racism and no sexual prefferences fights in Satanism.

High Priest Mageson:

It is in the soul.

In my view sexuality is in the soul template, since it’s been found homosexuality is determined genetical a gay gene does exist. And the DNA is the infomation code that together with the biomorphic field or Ren manfestes the persons biological form. Which is also the reason souls are reborn into racial groups. The body is the condensed matter of the metaphyiscal template that generates it. The Magnum Opus would not be possible if this was not so.

Vovin Luciftian:

Every Race has their own characteristics . For instance most Black people are naturally muscular and taller , White people may actually have gifts in other areas like art . There are endless differences and also many exceptions . Black artists for instance , their voice is actually incredible .

Every race on a larger scale has their own gifts. Chinese people are infamous on how in order they are , Black people are actually more aggresive as studies have shown , and even our muscle setup might actually be different .

Satan intends preservation and diversity . Every race must sustain their own race and their own kind. All races must co-exist in peace and unity , we actually have no reason to fight – but thanks to the jew we do like morons .

Now as for the Souls , actually we might all belong to what we call as Humanity , but there are difference between our Races . We are all made on the same “base” but we descended differently , the Demons intended it like this . We know that the body is a result of the Soul , thus we may all be Humans , but the soul , too is a slightly different in its setup . This is the main reason why White people always reicarnate in white bodies and same goes for blacks.

Actually race is more than skin color . White people did not become black in the process , neither everyone was descended from Blacks as some people claim . This “sking changed from white to black” , I believe is a kike lie . Races seem to have been created individually.

High Priest Mageson:

I wish to inject something here, since people still seem to be infear of the Racism word everywhere today. Racism is simply an scienitic term from the 19th century for the anthropological study of the difference between the human races, nothing more. The jews then took this term and turned it into a negative, changing the meaning to racial hatreds. As part of their communist agenda Trotsky the kike butcher of Russia was a major agent behind this corruption of the word. You can’t make everyone one in the Jew World Order, if we know we are all two, four and more.

If you look up an apt definition of the term Racist you will find it’s a person who believes the races are genetically thus biologically different and have diverse natures based on their gene expressions which manifests also in the forms of their cultures. That is all.

In away it’s revealing of the jew psyche that they projected the essence of themselves into the popular view of the term. When people state they are not racist they should state instead they are not kikes.

But yes soul and race are interconnected only xianity first made the claim they where not., this debate on the pigment of skin being environmental adpation only is common of the jewish Boaz corruption of the racial anthropology field into communism. The fact Eskimo’s who are racially mongloid have lived in the arctic circle for thousands upon thousands of years and are still as racially pure as others of their race group across the planet ends this nonsense. As part of this claim is Whites evolved into Whites after leaving Africa because of the ice age. Then Eskimo’s should all be blond Swedes by now.etc

Let us leave the shackles of jewperstition behind us, as it was ment to deceive,destroy and damn us all.

Vovin Luciftian:

By the way , real love comes better and can manifest when Your DNA’s match better , when You’re from the same race with someone . That doesn’t mean that You can’t love someone from another race – but it means its just naturally better to not race mix , nature intended it like that. I preffer to say the Truth and be labbeled as the rude guy with the solid views than lie and drop half sh*t to make everything seem ideal . All Gentiles who have the Serpent will be taught the Truth as it is, if that is their choice to do so.

Source: thread in yahoo group